We understand and acknowledge that in the modern technology world, there are lot of free information and tools available online, many buyers and sellers are self-equipped and do enough ground work related to buying or selling. But eventually nothing beats real experience of doing many transactions. Our sell-side agents help you guide and manage the process to achieve best outcome aligned to your goals at lowest cost possible - leaving maximum money in your pocket. We will conduct thorough analysis of nearby properties and recent transactions and will help you price, position, and market your home in the most efficient manner. We will understand your goals / aspirations for the sale, timeline (incl. any other house you are buying) to build marketing plan to fit those objectives.


Save 1000s of dollars of the traditional listing commission.


We have two types of services:

Flat-Fee MLS Listing
  • $500 flat fee
  • Our services include:
    • Virtual / remote wak through the sale process
    • Ensuring listing updated on platforms like Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com etc.
    • Providing details of preferred partners for Photography, Printing, Appraisal etc.
    • Validation of market comparables / target pricing
    • Sale document workflow and closure
  • Your responsibilities include:
    • Coordinating and paying for photographs and marketing brochure printing.
    • Ideas and coordination for staging / home improvement
    • Openhouse
    • Coordination with CSS for buyer viewing
Complete Package
  • 1% listing fee
  • Our services include:
    • Multiple sessions to explain the stages of sale process, timing and what needs to be done when
    • Photography, Sale sign, marketing brochure
    • Market analysis, target price suggestion
    • Personal recommendations to maximize the probability of achieving the target price and timeline (e.g.: staging, fixing maintenance issues, landscaping / flower bed, freeing up space etc.). You will pay for the costs of the improvement.
    • Ensuring listing updated on platforms like Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com etc.
    • Managing coordination with preferred partners for Photography, Printing, Appraisal etc.
    • Promotion on Social Media and also giving tips for promoting within your network
    • Negotiation support
    • Sale document workflow and closure

Considering selling your home?

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